Our website uses cookies. If you are happy for us to do so, just click Close.
For full details of the cookies we use and how we use them, or to change your settings please see this page.

About 'Cookies' and how we use them

What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files which are placed on your computer (or smartphone / tablet etc) by websites, and which collect certain data from you.
Some of these cookies are crucial to the way a website works, for example keeping track of what's in your shopping basket. Others perform less essential tasks like storing your preferences.
If you would like more information about what cookies are, how they work, and how to restrict their usage in your browser settings, there are many informative sites on the internet such as

What do we use them for?
We try to put the bare minimum of cookies on your computer. The cookies we do use are:
Essential cookies - Optional cookies - None of the cookies we use include any personal identifiable data, and we do not supply any data to 3rd parties for purposes like targeted advertising.

What control do I have?
You can turn off all cookies in your browser settings, but if you do so our website (and most other sites) will not work properly.

We also allow some control via the website itself.
The cookies we list as "essential" above cannot be disabled, as our site will not work without them. By using this site you agree that we can place these cookies on your device. If you do not agree, please do not use our site.

The cookies we list as "optional" can be disabled, but certain features of the site will not be available to you, and it will affect our ability to optimise the website to better suit your needs.

What are my current settings?

Essential Cookies:
(these cannot be disabled, or our website will not function correctly)
Optional Cookies:
Preference not set
You have not yet selected whether to enable or disable optional cookies.
We recommend enabling them, as some features on the website will not work fully with optional cookies disabled.